Thursday, August 21, 2008

Quo Vadis

Desperately running out of life, I found a nest
Which provided me with a much needed rest.
I was thankful to the birdie which chirped
And gave the best to this disgusting guest.

The tree gave the shade,
And allowed the tough storm to fade.
It gave me its fruits
And reminded me of my roots.

While I looked at the sky,
Both in the day and in the night,
I caught a feeling "I wasn’t alone":
Though the time was to prone.

Life was running too hard, for me to catch,
I never had the time, to mix, match and latch.
How stupid I would have been, had I let it gone by,
And cried all night after saying “Good Bye”.

A laughter and a tear, threw the sorrow fear,
Made happiness in life look so near.
I am grateful to the tree, not for the fruit.
I am grateful to the bird, not for the chirp.
Grateful I am to the sky, to the stars and to the moon,
Not at all for the thoughts that made me a maroon.

Happiness and sorrow are part of life.
Laughter says “tear is my wife”.
We all stand on a think edge of a knife,
Yet, Life makes us to lead it king size.

Why complain when life asks “Quo Vadis?”: even the Jesus knows
Though the Peter knows, you answer and the life goes

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